Key RAP Documents:
- Thunder Bay Stage 1: Environmental Conditions and Problem Definition (1991)
- Thunder Bay Stage 2: Remedial Strategies for Ecosystem Restoration (2004)
- Thunder Bay Remedial Action Plan Update 2009 – 2012 (2012)
Links to documents that are referenced by the Thunder Bay Public Advisory Committee (PAC)’s Wildlife Subcommittee:
- How Much Habitat is Enough? (Environment Canada 2013)
- Presentation of Joe Fiorino, Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS), to the Thunder Bay PAC (Feb. 7, 2018)
- Assessment of Wildlife Habitat and Populations (CWS 2020)
- Application of “How Much Habitat is Enough?” to Thunder Bay (Reg Nelson, Lakehead University, 2016)
- Habitat Change Detection Analysis (Ryan Garnett, Lakehead University, 2012)
- City of Thunder Bay Official Plan (City of Thunder Bay, 2018)
- City of Thunder Bay Official Plan – Maps (City of Thunder Bay, 2018)
Other habitat documents (provided by Simon Shankie, Lakehead Regional Conservation Authority)
- Mosquito Creek Watershed Assessment (LRCA 2015)
- Wetland Evaluation of Thunder Bay Harbour Marshes (LRCA 1984)
- An Evaluation of Mission Marsh and Northern Wood: Undergrad Thesis (Anita Riekko, Lakehead University, 1984)
Wildlife Sub-Committee map developed by Reg Nelson, Lakehead University Geospatial Data Centre