October 29, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-10-29)
- Photos from Lise Vaugeois
- Thunder Bay PAC Agenda
- Nipigon Bay PAC Agenda
October 15, 2015:
RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-10-15)
September 18, 2015:
September 3, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-09-03)
- RAP Team Call Action Item Record
- RAP Implementation Committee Agenda
- Nipigon Bay PAC Agenda (2015-10-01)
- Potential Aesthetics Actions
August 20, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-08-20)
- RAP Team Call Action Item Record (2015-08-20)
- Draft Nipigon PAC Agenda (2015-10-01)
- Draft Nipigon Bay Monitoring Plan
- Nipigon Bay Monitoring Plan Comments
July 16, 2015:
June 18, 2015:
June 4, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-06-04)
- RAP Team Call Action Item Record (2015-06-04)
- Chronicle Journal Article of June 3/15 re draining Boulevard Lake Dam
May 20, 2015:
April 30, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-04-30)
- RAP Team Call Action Item Record (2015-04-30)
- RAP Team Call Action Item Record (2015-04-23)
- May 7 Open House Agenda
- Later Draft of Nipigon AOC Overview/Status Presentation
- Poster Board Copy
- May 6 Thunder Bay PAC Meeting Agenda
- CFNO Radio Ad
April 23, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-04-23)
- Thunder Bay PAC Agenda (2015-05-06)
- Nipigon Open House Agenda (2015-05-07)
- Early Draft of Nipigon AOC Overview/Status Presentation
- Letter to RRIB
- Letter to RRIB GG
- Draft June RAP IC Meeting Agenda
- Slate River Watershed Report Card
- Slate River Watershed Management Plan Final
April 8, 2015:
March 26, 2015:
- RAP Team call Agenda (2015-03-26)
- RAP Team call Action Item Record (2015-03-12)
- Status of Beneficial Use Impairments – March, 2015 (Excel spreadsheet download)
- Draft Meeting Schedule April, 2015 Forward (Excel spreadsheet download)
- Nipigon Bay Open House Format
- Updated Infographic for Nipigon Bay Open House
- Draft Nipigon Bay Open House Presentation
March 12, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-03-12)
- RAP Team call Action Item Record (2015-02-26)
- Revised notes from meeting with RRIB
- Draft Nipigon April 22/15 Open House Format
- Updated Infographic
- Revised Nipigon Bay Newsletter
- Revised Nipigon Bay Factsheet
February 26, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda (2015-02-26)
- RAP Team Call Action Item Record (2015-02-09)
- Thunder Bay PAC Agenda (2015-03-11)
- Notes from Meeting with RRIB (2015-02-18)
- Draft Nipigon Bay Infographic Portrait (2015-02-24)
- Draft Nipigon Bay Public Friendly Handout (2015-02-24)
February 9, 2015:
January 29, 2015:
- RAP Team Call Agenda
- RAP Team Action Item Record (2015-01-15)
- Nipigon PAC Agenda (2015-02-18)
- Completion Report Status/Timelines from Sarah DaSilva
- Completion Report Tracking
- Completion Report Recipient List (2014-12-24)
- Implementation Committee Terms of Reference from Rob Stewart
January 15, 2015:
- RAP Team Agenda (2015-01-15)
- Action Item Record of call of December 19, 2014
- Draft Completion Report Cover Letter
December 19, 2014:
- RAP Team Agenda (2015-01-15)
- RAP Team Agenda (2014-12-19)
- [wpfilebase tag=file id=348 tpl=3-col-row /]
- [wpfilebase tag=file id=370 tpl=3-col-row /]
- Thunder Bay PAC Agenda – January 7, 2015
- Letter from Town of Red Rock re Water Pollution Control Plant
[wpfilebase tag=list id=’4,5′ tpl=data-table pagenav=1 /]
[wpfilebase tag=list id=’4,6′ tpl=data-table pagenav=1 /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=344 linktext=’Meeting Schedule Through May 2015′ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=346 linktext=’Comments Received from John Parks re Thunder Bay North Harbour Contamination’ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=221 linktext=’Comments Received from Kathy Sakamoto re Thunder Bay North Harbour Contamination’ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=291 linktext=’Concise Project Work Listing’ /]