Lake Research Data

The following links provide a wide range of current and historical data on Lake Superior and it’s corresponding tributaries. Ice Cover ANIMATED VIEW OF HISTORIC ICE COVER Great Lakes Water Levels GREAT LAKES WATER LEVEL VIEWER A simplified way to view lake levels, in comparison to historic levels, on each of the Great Lakes. Click on the lake of your choice. This viewer is provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of U.S.A. GREAT LAKES WATER LEVELS DASHBOARD Click on “Water Levels.” (Includes current and historical data going back over 100 years) River Data REAL TIME WATER LEVELS FOR RIVERS FLOWING TO SUPERIOR This Government of Canada site provides both real-time and historical data on river flow rates. Live data is provided for all major rivers on the Canadian side of Lake Superior including the Kaministiquia, Wolf, Nipigon, Pukaskwa, Magpie, Bachawana and Goulais Rivers. ONTARIO POWER GENERATION – LATEST WATER LEVELS Overview map of the various river systems that OPG uses for power generation and the current water levels at each of their generating and monitoring stations. Lake Superior Data PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GREAT LAKES (Comparison of length, breadth, volume, drainage area, shoreline length, retention time, etc. of the Great Lakes) LAKE SUPERIOR MARINE CHARTS (From a worldwide selection) Sample Chart (Grand Portage to Shesheeb Bay, Black Bay Peninsula) LAKE SUPERIOR IN-SITU DATA (Click a station for up to the moment wind/weather data at buoy locations across L. Superior) COMPREHENSIVE RANGE OF DATA INCLUDING WIND, WAVES, ICE, SURFACE TEMPERATURE, CURRENTS, WATER LEVELS GREAT LAKES OBSERVING SYSTEM CANADIAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE MONTHLY WATER LEVEL BULLETIN (scroll down – mid-page) GREAT LAKES BATHYMETRY (Click on “Google Earth – Great Lakes Bathymetry”, part way down the page to view a graphic representation of the floor of each of the Great Lakes, including Superior, using Google Earth) WEATHER DATA (Air Temperature, Water Surface Temperature, Water Levels, Barometric Pressure, Relative Humidity (interactive map with several stations on U.S. side of lake, uncheck cloud cover towards top right for better viewing clarity), WEATHER AND CLIMATE IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION – Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison HISTORIC VS. RECENT SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURES CURRENTS  
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