The Release of The Peninsula Harbour Area of Concern Status Report 2022

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We are excited to present The Peninsula Harbour Area of Concern Status Report 2022 as it shows a great example of a collaborative efforts made by conservation authorities, municipalities, First Nation communities, Métis communities, environmental groups, industry and the public to develop and successfully implement the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for the Peninsula Harbour Area of Concern (AOC).

The purpose of this Status Report is to summarize the remedial and monitoring activities undertaken over the history of the Peninsula Harbour Remedial Action Plan, and to present an update on the status of beneficial use impairments (BUIs) within the Area of Concern.

The Status Report discusses what study findings are indicating about the current state of the environment, and provides evidence that supports the recent re-designations to Not Impaired status of three of the four remaining beneficial use impairments (BUIs) in the AOC: Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations, Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat and Degradation of Benthos.

Peninsula Harbour is located at the Town of Marathon, Ontario on the northeastern shore of Lake Superior. It was listed as an AOC under the 1987 Protocol to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States. At the time, environmental issues were caused by the discharge of wastewater from the municipal sewage treatment plant, the former pulp mill (closed in 2009), and its associated chlor-alkali chemical plant (closed in 1977), and log booming operations. As a result of these environmental issues, five beneficial use impairments and one problem requiring further assessment were identified for the AOC under the 1991 Stage 1 RAP Report.

Table 1 lists the original problems identified in Stage 1 RAP Report (1991) report, their status in the subsequent Stage 2 RAP Report (2012), and their current status as of 2022. 

Here you will find the full version of the The Peninsula Harbour Area of Concern Status Report 2022.

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