The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will be hosting a webcast on the new tool “Model My Watershed” on Thursday, March 9 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. EDT.
“Model My Watershed” is a user friendly, online watershed modeling application that allows users to learn how land use and soil together determine whether rainfall infiltrates into the soil, runs off into streams, or is evaporated and transpired by plants. This web tool is intended to provide an easy-to-use professional-grade modeling package to inform land-use decisions, support conservation practices, and enhance watershed education.
The webcast will provide an overview and a demonstration of the application and will highlight how the tool is being used by several states for their total maximum daily load, nonpoint source, and municipal stormwater programs.
Webcast participants are eligible to receive a certificate for documenting their attendance.
Learn More:
Flyer for March 9th Model My Watershed Webcast
More information about the Watershed Webcasts from U.S. EPA.