How Much Warmer Was Your City in 2016?

City Temperatures
A new AccuWeather/New York Times application allows users to type in the name of a city and view information about temperature and precipitation in relation to historical data.

It’s simple. It incorporates a wealth of data and it works.

An interactive database put together by Accuweather and the New York times let’s site visitors type in the name of any city around Lake Superior, the Great Lakes, or anywhere else in the world, and view information about temperature and precipitation in relation to historical data. Once the name of a city is “plugged in,” the application provides a specific temperature number, noting whether a given city is warmer, or cooler, than AccuWeather’s historical data. With a click of the mouse users of the application can choose to view data in Fahrenheit or Celsius.

Looking at cities around Lake Superior, the NYTimes/Accuweather application provides the following information:

  • Duluth 3.1 F/1.7 C above normal
  • Thunder Bay 4.2 F/2.3 C above normal
  • Sault Ste. Marie 3.2 F/1.8 C above normal

The application also provides a rendering of monthly temperature and precipitation in the from of an easily viewed graph. Record high and low temperatures are incorporated in the graph and easy to see.

Give the application a try.

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