November 2014 Podcast

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Carri Lohse-Hanson, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

To listen to the interview, click here.

Carri Lohse-Hanson of Minnesota Pollution Control.
Carri Lohse-Hanson of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

In the November 2014 edition of InfoSuperior’s podcast, or audio interview series, Thunder Bay Remedial Plan Coordinator Jim Bailey speaks with Carri Lohse-Hanson of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Carri is a long-serving member of the Lake Superior Binational Program to Restore and Protect the Lake Superior basin ecosystem. She is the Lake Superior Binational Program Coordinator with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and works in St. Paul, Minnesota under the direction of MPCA’s Duluth, Minnesota office. 

Carri is well known to many, many agency people and citizens from around the entire lake, both in Canada and USA, who have been active in Lake Superior restoration and protection. Carri has been a driving force in the Binational Program and has overseen multiple successful efforts aimed at reducing chemical contamination. These efforts include mercury reduction, PCB reduction, pesticide reduction and open burning reduction aimed at dioxins. Carri currently serves as U.S. Co-chair for the Binational Program Chemical Committee. Carri will be retiring in January, 2015.

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