Monday, March 10th 2014

For the March, 2014 edition of InfoSuperior’s podcast, or audio interview series, Thunder Bay Remedial Action Plan Coordinator Jim Bailey speaks with Jamie Saunders of EcoSuperior, a representative of the North Harbour Steering Committee. This committee is exploring methods for dealing with mercury contamination in the northeast portion of Thunder Bay Harbour. The interview deals with questions like how this harbour site became contaminated in the first place, who is working to bring about cleanup, how serious is the contamination and what are the next steps in resolving this issue.
To listen to the interview, please click the above photo!
Related: How should mercury contamination in the northeast portion of Thunder Bay Harbour be cleaned up? This will be the only item on the agenda at the 7 p.m., March 19th meeting of the Public Advisory Committee (PAC) to the Thunder Bay Remedial Action Plan (RAP), or harbour cleanup plan. The meeting takes place in Room 1022 of the Ryan Building at Lakehead University. Evening parking at Lakehead University is free of charge and all PAC meetings are open to the public and free of charge. The focus of the meeting will be a presentation and input about options for dealing with contaminated sediment in Thunder Bay Harbour.
A complete overview about Thunder Bay North Harbour contamination can be accessed here.
See photos from the Thunder Bay North Harbour site below.