

June 15, 2018


Photo: Jim Bailey. This photo was taken at Amethyst Harbour on Lake Superior, some 34 km./21 mi. east of Thunder Bay, Ontario.

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The schooner "Sligo."

June 20th Schreiber Presentation: Immerse Yourself in History

The three-masted schooner "Sligo," which sailed extensively on Superior and the Great Lakes in the late eighteen hundreds, will be used to illustrate North Shore history at a free Parks Canada presentation in Schreiber on June 20th. A fascinating presentation about local history related to Lake Superior will take place at 7 p.m. on June 20th at the Schreiber Municipal …

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Dr. Michael Rennie

Ontario Awards Research Grant to Assist Lakes Impacted by Industry

Dr. Michael Rennie of Lakehead University demonstrates the proper use of a Van Dorn bottle, which collects water samples at known depths. Students were participating in the 2015 Experimental Limnology and Aquatic Ecology course that Dr. Rennie teaches at the Experimental Lakes Area through the Ontario University Field Program in Biology. (Photo: Dr. Kerri Finlay, University of Regina) Lakehead University’s …

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Nurdles at Mountain Bay

Volunteers Collect Over 145, 000 Lake Superior "Nurdles"

  Nurdles mixed with debris at the high water mark of waves washing ashore at Rainboth Point, Mountain Bay, Lake Superior, June 10th, 2018 (photo: jfbailey/infosuperior.com) Thanks to Everyone Who Participated Twenty-five volunteers attended a Lake Superior beach cleanup at Mountain Bay on June 10th. Mountain Bay is located on the Canadian shore of Lake Superior some 50 km east …

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New Study Emphasizes the Need for Ballast Water Management

The Hemimysis anomala or "bloody red shrimp" was one of the invasive species discovered in ballast discharges from lakers at Duluth Harbour. Microphotograph by S. Pothoven, GLERL, December 2006. Public Domain. A recent study by the University of Wisconsin - Superior's Lake Superior Research Institute (LSRI)  shows that Lakers are transporting non-native species from the lower great lakes to western Lake Superior. …

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Map of Gay Stamp Sands.

Minor Snag on Buffalo Reef Dredging Project

This map depicts the stamp sands area near the community of Gay on the Keweenaw Peninsula. Buffalo Reef, a natural structure that provides spawning and rearing habitat for a significant number of Lake Superior's trout and white fish populations is in danger of being swallowed up by fine sand tailings from a century old copper mine. The Stamp Sands, as …

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Oak Street Beach, Chicago.

Beaches on Superior and Michigan - "Back in the Day"

  Oak Street Beach, Chicago, 1939. (Photo: (Calumet412.com) Superior's waters are cold but that doesn't mean people don't swim there. They've been doing it for a long, long time. As for Lake Michigan, with its more populated shoreline, beaches packed with swimmers have been common for decades. A June 8th article on Mlive provides a photographic history of swimming in …

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