

October 15, 2017


Photo: Terry Wurdeman

Mission Hill, Chippewa County, Michigan looking towards Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

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Peninsula Harbour - 1884

Oct. 17 - Lake Superior Evening in Marathon

Peninsula Harbour, the main Harbour at Marathon, Ontario, 1884. LAKE SUPERIOR EVENING 7 P.M to 9 P.M.., October 17th Moose Hall, 6 Stevens Ave. Marathon, Ontario PRESENTATIONS: 1. Peninsula Harbour’s “Thin-layer Cap” Environmental Cleanup Project 2. Peninsula Harbour Environmental Monitoring, an Overview 3. CPR Construction in the Peninsula Harbour / Heron Bay Area - A Brief History - 1883-85 Free …

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North Harbour Contamination Centre Stage October 18th

Probing into Thunder Bay's North Harbour during efforts to better characterize this contaminated area. (1'05" clip) Go Directly to the Meeting Agenda. Go Directly to Questions About North Harbour Contamination Posed on June 7th (scroll down in the notes) The Public Advisory Committee (PAC) to the Thunder Bay Remedial Action Plan will be holding a meeting at 7 p.m. on October …

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Kelsey Casey-Jones

Forum Heats Up Climate Change Conversation

At the Lakehead University Climate Change Forum, Kelsey Jones-Casey provided an overview of her interviews with Lake Superior watershed residents, relating their perspectives on climate change. More photos of the conference. Balanced Participation The Lakehead University climate change forum held on September 28th and 29th was wide-ranging, well-attended and vocal. Diverse perspectives were presented and discussion was often boisterous. The …

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Tug "Peninsula"

Bring Home the "Peninsula"

The tug "Peninsula" on her maiden voyage in the Marathon area, 1946. Purchase Negotiations Underway The Marathon & District Historical Society has kicked off a project to enhance Marathon as a tourist attraction, and preserve fond memories for folks from the Marathon – Pic River area at the same time. At one time, the tug “Peninsula” towed vast rafts of …

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Ore Dok Brewing

Marquette Hosts 2nd Annual Fresh Coast Film Festival

A sign outside one of Marquette's several micro breweries. Fresh Coast Film Festival organizers hope participants enjoy a wide range of films and experiences around Marquette, including micro brews. A documentary film festival celebrating the outdoor lifestyle, water-rich environment and resilient spirit of the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest... Marquette, Michigan will host the second annual "Fresh Coast Film Festival" …

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