

December 15, 2016

Your roundup of Lake Superior

Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines!


Photo - Nipigon Bay, Canadian North Shore of Lake Superior - Thank you Dave Crawford.

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#SuperiorEnvironment - Environment & Climate Change Canada Seeks Funding Applications

George Creek

Lake Superior Restoration and Protection Funds Available

Volunteers work on a project to rehabilitate fish habitat at George Creek in Thunder Bay. The project received support from the Great Lakes Sustainability Fund. The Great Lakes Sustainability Fund (GLSF), administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada, is mandated to restore degraded Canadian Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. Every year at this time The Fund …

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#SuperiorEnvironment2 - Learning How to Address a Big Harbour Problem

Dr. Chris McLaughlin

Thunder Bay Learns From Hamilton Harbour Cleanup

Dr. Chris McLaughlin, Executive Director of Hamilton Harbour's Bay Area Restoration Council, presented information about the "Randle Reef" cleanup project at the November 30th meeting of the Public Advisory Committee to the Thunder Bay remedial Action Plan. The largest environmental cleanup ever undertaken on the Canadian side of the Great Lakes was the topic of a presentation by Chris McLaughlin …

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#SuperiorEconomic - Huge Increase in Oil Flow to Superior's Shore Near Certain

Right Through Here

Enbridge's Line 3 project (red and blue line) runs between Hardisty, Alberta and Superior, Wisconsin. It is near certain that an additional 760,000 barrels per day of oil will soon be flowing right through here - directly to the shores of Lake Superior. If you are on the U.S. side of Lake Superior you might have missed it. On the …

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#SuperiorResearch - Lake Superior Scientists Lead Great Lakes Food Web - Climate Probe

The Great Lakes.

EPA Supports Research Linking Climate, Algae

The upper Great Lakes. Work by a group of U.S. and Canadian researchers, most of them based on Lake Superior and including Environment and Climate Change Canada representation, is providing insight into a changing climate and effects upon the Great Lakes food web. The research is published in the latest edition of the journal, "Limnology and Oceanography" and points to …

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Flotsam and Jetsam...

Global Surface Water Explorer

The Journal "Nature" has published a freely available mapping tool which lets the user track long-term changes in surface water distribution and levels. A link to the full mapping tool is accessible below. Developed by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, the program shows location and temporal distribution of water surfaces at the global scale over the last 32 years, …

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