

October 31, 2016

Your roundup of Lake Superior

Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines!


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#SuperiorExtra - International Joint Commission Visting Thunder Bay

IJC Public Session in Thunder Bay November 9th.

IJC Invites Public to November 9th Thunder Bay Event

  The International Joint Commission will host a panel discussion open to the public in Thunder Bay on November 9th. The International Joint Commission’s Great Lakes Water Quality Board will be hosting a panel discussion, “The Great Lakes: The First Nations, Metis Nation and Tribal Perspective” on Monday, November 9th from 7 to 9 PM at Fort William Historical Park …

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#SuperiorPolitics -  Lake Superior Science theme for Letter to National Science Foundation

Michigan,Wisconsin, Minnesota Senators Push for Great Lakes Science

In a letter dated October 14, 2016, five U.S. senators (Gary Peters and Debbie Stenow – Michigan,Tammy Baldwin – Wisconsin, Amy Klobuhar – Minnesota and also Sharrod Brown –Ohio) have written to the National Science Foundation (NSF) requesting to know how the organization will incorporate Great Lakes research and education in current initiatives and support such work in future. The …

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#SuperiorEnvironment -  Marathon Harbour Cleanup Project Receives Checkup

Monitoring Shows "Cap" Functioning Well

  Information about environmental monitoring completed in Peninsula Harbour was presented to the public at a lunchtime meeting at Marathon Town Hall on October 19th. Peninsula Harbour is the main harbour in the Town of Marathon, Ontario. One year post capping data related to the thin-layer cap for contaminated sediment was presented. A 23 hectare thin-layer cap was put in …

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#SuperiorEnvironment2 - Sediment Deposition Probed and Presented

Jackfish Bay Monitoring Information Presented in Terrace Bay

JFB Oct 14 2016 Monitoring (PDF) JFB Oct 14 2016 Monitoring (Text) Information about ecosystem health in the Jackfish Bay Area of Concern on Lake Superior was presented at a public meeting in Terrace Bay on the evening of October 19th. Jackfish Bay is located just east of the Town of Terrace Bay, Ontario. This location was designated as a …

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#SuperiorEconomic - The Economics of Sturgeon Poaching

sturgeon poaching

Cash, Caviar and Sturgeon

An October 16th article in the Toronto Star asserts that the price of caviar is leading to sturgeon poaching across the Great Lakes Region. An October 16th article in the Toronto Star quotes a Great Lakes Fishery Commission representative as saying, “One big sturgeon could be worth almost $200,000,” noting that even legal caviar can sell for $100 an ounce …

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#SuperiorResearch - Innovative Tools for Lake Superior Research

Yellow Submarine Sightings Real

If you see a yellow submarine in the waters of Lake Superior, don’t be surprised. You really aren’t “seeing things.” The submarine you might be seeing is unmanned and actually a “glider” being used to carry out research beneath the waters of Lake Superior. The University of Minnesota at Duluth, the Large Lakes Observatory and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency …

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#SuperiorSocial - Warm Waters Attract More "Swimmers"

Great Lakes Swimmers Storm Thunder Bay

Lead vocalist Tony Dekker and the folk group Great Lakes Swimmers perform a song which begins with the line, "Lost in the Lakes" in the above 3'47" video. High Fidelity Music Blog describes the song this way, "it's not about someONE, it's about sometTHING. In my opinion Dekker has written this song about Canada, maybe even more specifically Ontario." This …

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#SuperiorExtra - Lake Superior Watershed in Minnesota Highlighted

Boundary Waters

NYT Features Boundary Waters

The Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota flow to Superior. An October 21st feature article in the New York Times focuses on the Boundary Waters area in northern Minnnesota, just west of Lake Superior. The feature begins with stunning photos and then presents information about the area's history, geology, forest cover and the array of potential human activities in and around …

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