
February 14, 2025

 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!


You're invited! The InfoSuperior Team will be holding a  kayaking tour in Thunder Bay in late August. Please scroll down for more details.


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RAP Harbour Kayak Tour - August 28

A kayak tour of Thunder Bay Harbour cleanup projects and environmental issues will take place beginning at 9 a.m. on August 28th. You're invited! Thunder Bay's harbour cleanup plan, or Remedial Action Plan (RAP), invites experienced kayakers with their own kayaks to get up close with harbour environmental issues and projects on August 28th. Centered on the lower Kaministiquia River …

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#SuperiorEconomic - Churchill, MB port closed, small grain shipping increase for Thunder Bay, ON


View of Sleeping Giant from Hillcrest Park in Thunder Bay, ON. Photo credit: Jim Bailey

Port of Churchill closed, shipping traffic to pick up in Thunder Bay

Last week's closure of the Port of Churchill (Manitoba) came as a surprise to its workers, among them the town mayor. Mayor Mike Spence confirmed with CBC that about 50 employees were handed layoff notices and another 40 or 50 were waiting to receive similar news via telephone. "It came out of nowhere," Spence told CBC. "The community, the employees …

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#SuperiorPolitics - Feedback due today: Let the IJC know what you think of their PBDE strategy

Last Call for IJC policy feedback

Last Call for IJC policy feedback

If you're looking to contribute to important Great Lakes environmental policy development, the International Joint Commission (IJC) is still looking for public comment on its new Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the Great Lakes report. The report was created to propose strategy for federal, provincial, and state governments to reduce harmful effects of PBDEs on the environment. Here's a brief …

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#SuperiorResearch - Updates from field research on the North Shore

Lakehead students field research update

Lakehead students field research update

Lakehead undergraduate researcher Brent Straughn brings you a research update from along the north shore of Lake Superior. Under the supervision of graduate researcher Nathan Wilson, Brent has been learning the ins-and-outs of field research in tandem with the Superior Streams project.  July 29, 2016 For the past two weeks Nathan and I have been camping at provincial parks along the north …

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#SuperiorSocial - Celebrate Nipigon draws large crowd, unveils splash pad 

InfoSuperior attends Celebrate Nipigon

InfoSuperior attends Celebrate Nipigon

On Friday July 29th, the InfoSuperior Team trekked from Thunder Bay, ON to Nipigon, ON to attend the Celebrate Nipigon Festival. This year's festival was an amalgamation of three different annual events - the Paddle to the Sea Jubilee, Blueberry Blast, and artESCAPE. We managed to make it for the Paddle to the Sea Jubilee. This year's Paddle to the …

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#SuperiorEnvironment - NOAA provides easy catalogue for Great Lakes non-indigenous species

NOAA debuts new invasive species database

NOAA debuts new invasive species database

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S.) have debuted a new acquatic invasive species database which aims to help members of the public, researchers, and government bodies keep track of non-indigenous critters introduced to the Great Lakes. The database is dubbed GLANSIS, the Great Lakes Aquatic Non-Indigenous Species Information System. It is divided into main categories: non-indigenous species: those not …

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Did you know our site provides 7 different weather networks for Lake Superior? Discover here on at infosuperior.com.