February 14, 2025 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!***You're invited! The InfoSuperior Team will be holding a kayaking tour in Thunder Bay in late August. Please scroll down for more details.***Please note there will be no PEERS newsletter for the week of July 25-29, 2016.If you don't want to hear from us, no sweat! There's an 'Unsubscribe' link at the bottom of this page. Like what you see? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
#SuperiorEnvironment - Shuniah residents invited to get rid of household chemicals
Shuniah Township, located along the North Shore of Lake Superior, will be holding another Household Hazardous Waste Day this July 23, 2016. The event will be located at MacGregor Landfill Site, from 10am-2pm. The effort helps residents safely dispose of any unwanted household, pool, automotive, and garden chemicals. According to an add in the Shuniah News, the collection site will …
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#SuperiorSocial - Lake Helen Reserve holds pow wow July 15-17
On July 15-17, the Red Rock Indian Band held their annual Opwaaganisiniing Traditional Gathering on the shores of Lake Helen, just upstream from Nipigon Bay on Lake Superior. Taking place on the third weekend every July, the pow wow includes food, craft vendors, drumming, and ceremonial dance. A hand-drum contest was held Saturday evening during the supper break. This year, …
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#SuperiorResearch - NWQMC to hold free webinar on volunteer monitoring for aquatic research
The National Water Quality Monitoring Council, based in the U.S., is offering a webinar series geared toward volunteers who want to make an impact in scientific research on water quality. The webinar is titled "Exploring the Worlds of Citizen Science and Volunteer Monitoring," and aims to address the growing role of volunteering monitoring in research, restoration, and protection of watersheds. …
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#SuperiorEconomic - Great Lakes pilots request to be involved in pilotage fee lawsuit
The U.S. Coast Guard has not yet officially responded to a lawsuit filed jointly by the Great Lakes Ports Association, U.S. Great Lakes Shipping Association, and international shipping firms over increased pilotage rates. However, the pilots' associations have stepped forward in favour Coast Guard's decision to demand the raise, issuing a statement to articulate their support. The Coast Guard proposed …
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#SuperiorPolitcs - GLRI secures funding for next year, Michigan forces Enbridge to pay for Line 5 assessment, and more
In this week's politics round up, three major headlines surface from Great Lakes basin policy across the border. House passes Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding Last Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives signed off on a $32 billion bill for environmental agencies. Included in this sum is $300 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. This amount has remained the … Read more.
A kayak tour of Thunder Bay Harbour cleanup projects and environmental issues will take place beginning at 9 a.m. on August 28th. You're invited! Thunder Bay's harbour cleanup plan, or Remedial Action Plan (RAP), invites experienced kayakers with their own kayaks to get up close with harbour environmental issues and projects on August 28th. Centered on the lower Kaministiquia River …
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