February 14, 2025 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!***Happy Lake Superior Day on July 17th! We hope you get to enjoy it while swimming, hiking, boating, fishing, camping, diving, and beyond. ***InfoSuperior.com would like to do an online 'RAP History Week' to celebrate many years of environmental stewardship and community involvement for a better Lake Superior. If you have any RAP-related photos you would be comfortable contributing, please scan and send them to infosuperiorhub@gmail.com. (Please note the photos will be used online in website and social media posts.) ***If you don't want to hear from us, no sweat! There's an 'Unsubscribe' link at the bottom of this page. Like what you see? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
#SuperiorPolitics - Lake Superior restoration and protection projects get government funding in Marquette, MI
The Superior Watershed Partnership has received more than $1 million in funding from state, federal, and private sources to coordinate and implement conservation, restoration, and pollution prevention projects around Marquette, MI. The funding will be used for the 2016/2017 field seasons. The funded projects will cover stormwater management, habitat restoration, tree planting, and energy conservation, among others. Some of the … Read more.
#SuperiorEnvironment - Ballast water treatment plan inches toward global ratification; MDEQ provides tips to help you prevent invasive species spread
Last week marked Aquatic Invasive Species Week in Michigan, and the Department of Environmental Quality provided some basic knowledge, tips, and tricks to help residents keep invasive species out of the Great Lakes. If you're not familiar with the impact that invasive (non-native) species can have on the environment, the economy, and human health, take a look at this 6 …
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#SuperiorEconomic - Dredging to begin in Duluth-Superior harbour; shipping companies sue U.S. Coast Guard over increased pilot rates
Two major headlines from Great Lakes and Superior shipping this week: Dredging to begin in Duluth, MN - Superior, WI harbour On July 7, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced via press release that their contractors would begin dredging portions of the Duluth-Superior Harbour this month. Dredging is excavation work typically done to gather bottom sediments and dispose of …
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#SuperiorResearch - Lakehead students & faculty find good results with stream restoration project supported by MNRF, ECCC, Nipigon Bay PAC
Recent reports from a stream restoration project at Kama Creek in Nipigon Bay, ON, undertaken by Lakehead University academics and students, have shown positive results over four years of monitoring. Kama Creek is a historically significant habitat for coaster brook trout, and the stream was realigned (or diverted) from its original channel in the 1960s. The realignment project was …
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#SuperiorSocial - Local sailors win big at sailing events across the border
Bayfield, WI - Unless you work on a Great Lakes freighter, many sailors spend more time on Lake Superior than almost anyone else. As an example, Canadian sailors from Thunder Bay think nothing of sailing the 400 km. round trip to the Bayfield, Wisconsin area for racing. They've been doing this for over 3 decades. A premiere sailing event … Read more.
Several areas in the Midwest were hammered earlier this week with severe weather, including flooding rain and tornados. A storm on July 11 had substantial impacts on the Lake Superior coastline at Saxon Harbor, almost directly on the Wisconsin/Michigan border. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker recorded a video of the impact of floodwater on the Lake Superior coastline, visible in the Twitter …
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