
February 14, 2025

 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!


Superior Streams is a research project facilitated by InfoSuperior, and we're excited to present updates from Lakehead University students as they develop and implement research in the community this summer.

Please visit the new Superior Streams website for more details on the project!

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#SuperiorPolitics - Great Lakes and St. Lawrence mayors oppose Waukesha diversion in press release, Waukesha diversion passes with unanimous vote on Tuesday June 21st

Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Cities Initiative convenes in Niagara

Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Cities Initiative convenes in Niagara

Over June 15-17, 123 mayors came together for an annual meeting of the Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Cities Initiative in Niagara, NY to discuss environmental, social and economic issues facing the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence. Representatives from local Lake Superior communities were in attendance from both Canada and the United States. On the docket for the Cities Initiative …

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#SuperiorEnvironment - Microplastics research advancing on global stage 

New research finds effects of microplastics on fish

New research finds effects of microplastics on fish

While there's no doubting that microplastics pose an oversize problem for keeping the environment clean, their effects on wildlife have been contested and debated for years. A recent study from Uppsala University endeavored to find out what measurable effects microplastics were having on fish populations, and came up with some unfortunate results. The article below is credited to Science Daily, …

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#SuperiorEconomic - Great Lakes leaders push for more marine-based economic development

Great Lakes leaders reveal $4 billion plan to boost maritime investment

Great Lakes leaders reveal $4 billion plan to boost maritime investment

On June 15, leaders from Canadian provinces (Ontario, Quebec) and U.S. states (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) in the Great Lakes Basin revealed a $3.8 billion dollar plan intended to improve regional maritime infrastructure and boost trade. Recently, the leaders of these provinces and states formed the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors …

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#SuperiorResearch - Catch up with Lakehead student Brent as he works on an invasive species list in the field


Superior Streams Update: Practicing for the Field

Superior Streams Update: Practicing for the Field

Every Thursday this summer, InfoSuperior will be bringing you updates from the field as student researchers Brent and Sara plan, develop, and implement stream rehab initiatives in the region under the Superior Streams project. Check out Brent's latest update below!  Since my last update I have continued in the office preparing for the field. I am currently working on invasive …

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#SuperiorSocial - Global art project comes to Toronto to paint murals for Great Lakes "artivism"

TO Art Project a "Love Letter to the Great Lakes"

TO Art Project a "Love Letter to the Great Lakes"

An ambitious, large-scale art installation taking place this week in Toronto, ON, is aiming to beautify urban spaces while drawing attention to the challenges faced by the Great Lakes. Part of a larger series of programs called Sea Walls: Murals for Oceans, the Toronto installation will constitute the first freshwater edition of the project. Sea Walls: Murals for Oceans is sponsored …

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