
February 14, 2025

 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!


Please note there will be no PEERS updates or newsletter for June 6-10th, 2016.


Superior Streams is a research project facilitated by InfoSuperior, and we're excited to present you updates from Lakehead University students as they develop and implement research in the community this summer.

Please visit the new Superior Streams website for more details on the project!

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#SuperiorPolitics - White House speaks out against provision to weaken Clean Water Act regulation in House-passed defense bill

Superior, Wisconsin

Great Lakes fight against invasive species faces challenges in Congress

In March, headlines reported good news in the fight against invasive species: no new invasives had been detected in the Great Lakes in a decade. Enthusiasm might be short-lived, however. A recent push in U.S. Congress, backed by the shipping industry, to loosen regulation around ballast water treatment is being condemned by the White House and environmental groups as a …

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#SuperiorEnvironment - Duluth, MN waits to see if piping plover will mate and nest on local Superior beach

Endangered piping plover spotted on Duluth shores

Endangered piping plover spotted on Duluth shores

A little bird is stirring up big excitement on the North Shore of Lake Superior. For the second time in two years, a piping plover has made an appearance by Duluth's Park Point Beach House. Wildlife enthusiasts, environmental organizations, and government agencies are hoping to see the endangered bird start nesting on Minnesota's side of Lake Superior for the first …

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#SuperiorEconomic - MV Roger Blough still grounded near Sault Ste Marie, MI

Salvage efforts underway for freighter grounded in Superior

Salvage efforts underway for freighter grounded in Superior

A plan is currently underway to rescue the MV Roger Blough, an 858-foot U.S.-flagged freighter which is currently grounded in eastern Lake Superior. The ship is carrying iron ore and got stuck May 27 in Whitefish Bay, about 10 miles past Sault Ste. Marie, MI. It is grounded near the Gros Cap Reefs. Two other Great Lakes freighter ships are …

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#SuperiorResearch - Update on planning and development of Superior Streams research for Summer 2016

Superior Streams research journals go live!

Superior Streams research journals go live!

Over the course of the summer, we'll be featuring updates from Superior Streams, brought to you by Lakehead University students Sara and Brent. Catch up with us on Thursdays to see what they're up to as their research projects progress! Today's update comes from Sara. The first few weeks of being a research assistant have been hectic! We’ve done a …

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#SuperiorSocial - IJC and Lake Ontario Waterkeeper seek your Great Lakes stories for Watermark project

USGS 'Kiyi'

What's Your Great Lakes Story?

The International Joint Commission and Lake Ontario Waterkeeper are looking for your Great Lakes stories! This is an excellent way to share just how much Lake Superior and the other Great Lakes mean to you. See their post and examples from U.S. and Canadian IJC reps below: Those of us lucky enough to spend time around the Great Lakes develop …

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