
February 14, 2025

 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!

Next PEERS Meeting:

Dr. Mark McMaster Wildlife Presentation

Wednesday, June 1st

Richardson International Grain Terminal

Join us 7pm-9pm

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#SuperiorPolitics - Preliminary Waukesha vote sees all Great Lakes states and provinces but MN vote in favour of approval; final vote to take place in June (article posted May 16th, vote took place May 18th.)

Lake Michigan

Will Waukesha get to drink Great Lakes water?

While the public overwhelmingly spoke out against Waukesha, WI's wish to divert of Great Lakes water, it appears state and provincial representatives are entertaining the proposal more seriously. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel published yesterday that Waukesha's price for Lake Michigan water was to halt city expansion and growth. The article reports that this is the consensus of the eight Great Lakes state representatives, …

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#SuperiorEnvironment - OPG and activists square off over proposed nuclear waste storage off shore of Lake Huron, Environment Minister McKenna to decide pending more info from OPG

Great Lakes Basin being reviewed as possible location for nuclear waste storage

Great Lakes Basin being reviewed as possible location for nuclear waste storage

The Washington Post updated an on-going environmental debate yesterday, highlighting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's tight-lipped approach to discussing potential nuclear waste storage in the Great Lakes Basin. The Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has proposed to bury hundreds of thousands of cubic metres in low- and intermediate-level nuclear waste about 680 metres underground about 1.2 kilometres from Lake Huron. The storage …

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#SuperiorEconomic - German shipping company charged with discharging oily wastewater into Great Lakes from MV Cornelia

Saltie owner charged with polluting Great Lakes

Saltie owner charged with polluting Great Lakes

After a drawn out  investigation, a six-week detainment in Duluth, MN, and a start to a new shipping season, the German cargo ship Cornelia was served with criminal charges last week for illegally dumping oily water into the Great Lakes. MST Mineralien Schiffahrt, a German Shipping company, was indicted on allegations that it violated the Act to Prevent Pollution from …

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#SuperiorResearch - 99% of chinook salmon in Superior are wild, says Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Michigan DNR data delivers good news for Superior salmon populations

Michigan DNR data delivers good news for Superior salmon populations

According to data released by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, 99 percent of chinook salmon now caught by Lake Superior anglers are born in the wild, not in a hatchery. The claim is based on several years of data collected by dockside creel clerks, who monitor the difference between wild and hatchery salmon via tagging systems. 1.5 million chinook …

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#SuperiorSocial - Paddlers aim to be the first all-female team to kayak around Lake Superior and inspire adventurous women along the way

UMD grads kayaking around Lake Superior to 'Make Waves'

UMD grads kayaking around Lake Superior to 'Make Waves'

Erin Denny and Lexi Bruno are looking to make a statement, and they chose a precedent-setting Superior kayaking adventure to do it. Starting on June 4, the two University of Minnesota Duluth grads will be setting out from Part Point beach in Duluth, MN to circumnavigate Lake Superior in kayaks. The Duluth News Tribune reports that they'll be travelling northeast …

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