
February 14, 2025

 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!

Next PEERS Meeting:

Dr. Mark McMaster Wildlife Presentation

Wednesday, June 1st

Richardson International Grain Terminal

Join us 7pm-9pm

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#SuperiorPolitics - GLRI Act moves forward to Senate on quest to extend funding into next presidency

Great Lakes

U.S. House Passes Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act

At April's end, the U.S. House unanimously motioned to pass bill H.R. 223, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act. As an amendment to the Clean Water Act (officially the Federal Water Pollution Control Act), the bill authorizes $300 million annually to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) for projects which clean up degraded toxic areas of concern, restore habitat for …

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#SuperiorEnvironment - U Mich hydrodynamics expert projects environmental impact of potential Enbridge Line 5 rupture

New Research Speculates on Pipeline Failure in Mackinac Straits

New Research Speculates on Pipeline Failure in Mackinac Straits

It's been speculated for some time that a breach in Enbridge's Line 5 pipeline, which runs through the Straits of Mackinac, could have disastrous effects for the Great Lakes. Amidst the chatter and concern, hydrodynamics expert Dave Schwab sought to find out what a spill might look like. A little over a month ago, the InfoSuperior Team shared a documentary …

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#SuperiorEconomic - Good news from Thunder Bay Port Authority shipping stats

Thunder Bay Shipping Increased This Season

Thunder Bay Shipping Increased This Season

A little over a month into the 2016 shipping season, the Thunder Bay Port Authority has good reason to celebrate. In a press release issued May 3rd, Port Authority C.E.O Tim Heney signed off on the good news: shipping traffic is up 11% from this time last year. Citing an early start to the season, the release boasts 850 000 …

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#SuperiorResearch - Trio to run 20 miles/day for 85 days around Lake Superior collecting water samples, interviews with residents

3 friends to do 'Ultrarun' around Lake Superior for microplastics research

3 friends to do 'Ultrarun' around Lake Superior for microplastics research

Imagine spending your summer running 20 miles a day for 85 days in sweltering heat (or fog, or thundershowers, or snow?) along Superior's shores. Not to worry, if that's not your style. Andy Butter, Allissa Stutte, and Evan Flom will send you updates from the road.             It's not a vacation for them, either. The …

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#SuperiorSocial - Heck of the North Productions introduces new cycling event out of Grand Marais, MN

Cyclists Celebrate New North Shore Cycle Event

Cyclists Celebrate New North Shore Cycle Event

Heck of the North Productions is giving cyclists reason to rejoice this May. The cycling group is introducing a new event to their roster this summer. Based out of Grand Marais, MN, "La Grand du Nord" is in its inaugural year and  invites gravel cyclists far and wide to participate in its 50 and 100 mile course events. The events …

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