
February 14, 2025

 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!

Next PEERS Meeting:

Nurdles in Nipigon Bay

May 3rd, 2016

Lake Helen Community Hall

Join us at 7pm

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#SuperiorPolitics - Senator Rick Jones, Oil & Water Don't Mix stand against Enbridge's Line 5 under the Mackinac Bridge 

Aging Oil Pipeline Draws Growing Opposition

Aging Oil Pipeline Draws Growing Opposition

Opposition is mounting against two aging Enbridge pipelines which run below the Makinac Bridge, and idle chat is now formal complaint. Last Wednesday, Senator Rick Jones introduced a measure to shut down Enbridge's twin pipelines, known collectively as Line 5. Now 62 years old, Line 5 was the subject of a short documentary film by Motherboard, a branch of Vice …

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#SuperiorEnvironment - Nurdles washing ashore in Nipigon Bay (Part 3 of our April microplastics series. Join us at our May 3rd meeting to discuss this local microplastics issue.)  

Nurdles in Nipigon Bay: Local Microplastics Concerns

Nurdles in Nipigon Bay: Local Microplastics Concerns

Every Tuesday, we focus on Superior Environment stories. This article is part of a month-long focus on microplastics and their impact. Join us on May 3rd, 7pm-9pm at the Lake Helen Community Hall for an information session and discussion on microplastics issue. Click here for meeting details. What's a nurdle? Glad you asked. Nurdles are a pre-production plastic pellet about …

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#SuperiorEconomic - Parks Canada, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Great Lakes Commission calling for applicants

Great Lakes

4 Hot Great Lakes Job Postings

Looking to translate your love of the Great Lakes into constructive, real world experience? Parks Canada, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Great Lakes Commission want to help you with that. All three organizations have current job openings. See below for listings. Best of luck to applicants! 1. Parks Canada position available: Interpretation Officer/Coordinator II Lake Superior National Marine Conservation …

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#SuperiorResearch - Lakehead University's Nathan Wilson brings research to Lappe audience

Lakehead Grad Student Talks Phosphorus in the Community

Lakehead Grad Student Talks Phosphorus in the Community

Lappe area residents of Surprise and Trout Lakes, just north of Thunder Bay, gathered at Gorham & Ware School on April 18th to learn about factors affecting water quality. Lakehead University Geography and Environmental Science graduate student Nathan Wilson presented information gleaned while collecting water quality data at Cloud Lake, just south of Thunder Bay during summer 2015. Nathan's research …

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#SuperiorSocial - Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior offer artist residency, contest for lighthouse stay, regatta, and other events for summer

Lighthouse Love with the Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior

Lighthouse Love with the Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior

Is there anything more iconic for shore dwellers than the reassuring beacon from a majestic lighthouse? Today's Superior Social post is bringing you good news from the Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior. The group released its Spring 2016 newsletter recently and they've got plenty of good news and upcoming events for lighthouse lovers of all kinds. Here are the highlights: Artist …

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