
February 14, 2025

 Your weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!

Next PEERS Meeting:

Microplastics in Nipigon Bay

May 3rd, 2016

Lake Helen Community Hall

Join us at 7pm

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#SuperiorPolitics - Michigan Attorney General Challenges Waukesha Diversion

MI Attorney General Challenges Waukesha

MI Attorney General Challenges Waukesha

Michigan State Attorney General Bill Schuette has issued a letter to list his concerns over the City of Waukesha's proposed bid to divert water from the Great Lakes Basin to replace its own contaminated water source. The letter was addressed the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors' and Premiers' Regional Body and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Resources Council. …

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#SuperiorEnvironment - Watch that Gore-tex: microplastic fibre and environmental impact

(Part 2 of our April microplastics series. Join us at our May 3rd meeting to discuss local microplastics issues.) 

Out With the Wash: Microplastics in Clothing

Out With the Wash: Microplastics in Clothing

Every Tuesday, we focus on Superior Environment stories. This article is part of a month-long focus on microplastics and their impact. There's a new offender in microplastics pollution which is often overlooked, and you're wearing it. Canadian Geographic reported recently that fleece and Gore-Tex clothing are major contributors to microplastics pollution. The article states that when garments made of synthetic …

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#SuperiorEconomic - Homeland Security Report: When the Poe goes, so do 11 million jobs

New in the Soo: Lock Talk Heating Up

New in the Soo: Lock Talk Heating Up

The Poe's going to go, people are saying. A new report confirms that if it does, the economy's in trouble. A replacement for the largest of the Soo Locks has been a hot issue lately. With the 2016 shipping season now underway, the issue has been raised again. The 'Poe,' a 1,200-foot-long channel, and its fellow locks are going on …

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#SuperiorResearch - York U study finds Superior fastest warming of all Great Lakes, second fastest of 236 global lakes studied

Great Lakes

Study: Superior Warming Fastest of Great Lakes

Sometimes being first isn't anything to brag about. News broke late last year that Lake Superior was the fastest warming of all the Great Lakes, according to a study done by a team of international researchers and authored primarily by a York University professor. The study also stated that Superior was the second fastest warming of the lakes the researchers …

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#SuperiorSocial - Thunder Bay EFN celebrates 7th Annual Film Fest April 20th-24th

Upcoming Environmental Film Fest in Thunder Bay

Upcoming Environmental Film Fest in Thunder Bay

Film fanatics, environmental enthusiasts, and advocacy allies unite: the 7th annual Thunder Bay Environmental Film Festival is scheduled for next week, and the lineup is packed with 13 fascinating films for your viewing surprise and delight. Organized by the Thunder Bay Environmental Film Network, the film fest is a much-anticipated highlight of the Film EFN's ten-month season. The network identifies itself as an "incorporated not …

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