
February 14, 2025

Bringing you the weekly roundup of Political, Environmental, Economic, Research, and Social headlines from around Lake Superior!

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#SuperiorPolitics - First Progress Report on Great Lakes Strategy now available

'Drinkable, Swimmable, Fishable': ON Delivers First Progress Report on Great Lakes Strategy

'Drinkable, Swimmable, Fishable': ON Delivers First Progress Report on Great Lakes Strategy

The first Progress Report on Great Lakes Strategy was released on March 22nd, coinciding with World Water Day and Canada Water Week. The Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate is bound under the Great Lakes Protection Act to report on key accountabilities every three years. The first Progress Report details how much the Ministry and its partners have accomplished since …

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#SuperiorEnvironment - No new invasive species in Great Lakes for 10 years; MotherBoard documentary on aging oil pipeline concerns

'Ticking-Time Bomb': MotherBoard doc explores aging oil pipeline in the Great Lakes

'Ticking-Time Bomb': MotherBoard doc explores aging oil pipeline in the Great Lakes

A short documentary by MotherBoard called "The Dirty Secret at the Bottom of the Great Lakes: Oil and Water", released in August 2015, explores anxiety over an aging oil pipeline in the Great Lakes. It is said to be a "ticking time bomb" by a National Wildlife Federation rep in the video. Over 60 years old, the oil pipeline in …

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#SuperiorEconomic - MV Tecumseh wins top hat in Thunder Bay; Soo Locks 2016 like 'opening day of baseball' for Duluth Port Authority

Race to Thunder Bay: Shipping Season Starts with Friendly Rivalry

Race to Thunder Bay: Shipping Season Starts with Friendly Rivalry

It wasn't quite a photo finish, but 20,000 tonnes of metric weight might slow you down a bit, too. Thunder Bay Port Authority, industry professionals, and shipping enthusiasts watched with baited breath to see whether the MV Tecumseh or the MV Algoma Equinox would be the first to make it into Thunder Bay's harbour on Saturday. The MV Tecumseh managed …

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#SuperiorResearch - NEJM slams official response to Flint; Michigan Tech researchers study mercury from mining activity

"Abject Failure": New England Journal of Medicine slams response to Flint Water Crisis

"Abject Failure": New England Journal of Medicine slams response to Flint Water Crisis

The New England Journal of Medicine has a few choice words for officials responding to the Flint water crisis, and they aren't pretty. Yesterday, the Journal posted a lengthy editorial piece titled "Lead Contamination in Flint - and Abject Failure to Protect Public Health" by Dr. David Bellinger. There is an interview with Dr. Bellinger attached to the article. Dr. …

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#SuperiorSocial - 4 Key Links to Celebrate Steelhead Season; Agate Magazine boasts writing from North Shore perspectives

Steelhead Season upon Fish Fanatics

Steelhead Season upon Fish Fanatics

Sport fishermen are celebrating a new season of steelhead fishing along North Shore tributaries. Here are four key links to celebrate the upcoming thaw!   In an article via Stevens Point Journal, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources report that their biologists recorded an increase in steelhead numbers during a count last September. DNR Biologist Paul Piszczek says the 2015 …

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