

June 1, 2019

Photo: Old Woman Bay at approximately 4 a.m. in early May. Thank you Kevin Dempsey of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Old Woman Bay is on Lake Superior approximately 27 km./17 mi. east of Wawa, Ontario. For anyone interested in how Kevin took this photo, read more here...

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Thunder Bay North Harbour

Thunder Bay PAC Meeting – June 19 (ATAC 3004)

A Google Earth Image of the northern portion of Thunder Bay Harbour with Boulevard Lake top left and the harbour breakwall lower right. The Public Advisory Committee (PAC) to the Thunder Bay Remedial Action Plan (RAP) will hold its next meeting on June 19th, 2019 at 7pm in the ATAC Building (Room 3004) at Lakehead University. The focus of the meeting will be on …

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Thunder Bay RAP Milestone: Aesthetics Not Impaired

Extensive surveys of Thunder Bay Harbour were carried out in 2012, 2015 and 2016. The harbour was found to be free of slicks, scums, odours, foam, unnatural deposits, colour and turbidity. (Photo: infosuperior.com) A significant milestone has been achieved bringing Thunder Bay Harbour one step closer to removal from the list of Great Lakes environmental "Areas of Concern." In a …

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Classifying Lakes: Eutrophication in the Boreal Forest Ecozone

Many policies and programs aimed at maintaining healthy lakes depend on measuring their level of eutrophication. Lake Superior is oligotrophic: relatively deep, clear and nutrient poor. - Image from https://informationtips.wordpress.com What is Eutrophication? Lakes are classified based on trophic state, which is a measure of the nutrient level, clarity, and abundance of living organisms in a body of water. The …

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Op-ed | The Future of the Lake Superior Caribou

This op-ed was authored by the following individuals: Gord Eason, Dr. Brian McLaren, Dr. Serge Couturier, Dr. Christian Schroeder, Marcel Pellegrini, Aaron Bumstead, and Leo Lepiano. There are likely fewer than 20 caribou left on the North Shore, about 15 on the Slate Islands, and no more than 10 on Caribou Island. On March 28th, the Province of Ontario held …

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Infosuperior Cover Photos - Keep Them Coming

The Terry Wurdeman cover photo for Infosuperior's August 1, 2018 edition. Terry took the picture of this Semipalmated Sandpiper on wet beach gravel, Whitefish Bay, Lake Superior. Connecting to Lake Superior Through Images Infosuperior fosters interest, knowledge and respect for Lake Superior, building broader public support for restoration and protection.  Great photographs of Lake Superior connect people with the lake. For this reason, …

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Flotsam and Jetsam...

• GovOntario - Red Rock, Ontario Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

• LCNewsChronicle - Silver Bay, Minnesota Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

• IdeaStream - In National Infrastructure Needs, Great Lakes Ports Say They're Overlooked

• CBC - Lake Superior caribou survival hanging in the balance, biologist says

• GreatLakesNow - Technology, Data, Tariffs: The most prominent topics of the 2019 GLEF

• SuperiorWatershed - Independent Mine Monitoring Program Expands with Tribal Partnership

• DetroitFreePress - Damage of anchor strike to Straits of Mackinac pipeline finally revealed

• GreatLakesFisheryComission - Plans for FishPass Project Revealed

• UMSource - Munising Bay Shipwreck Tours prepares for stellar season

• Democrat&Chronicle - IJC commissioners: no plan would have prevented Lake Ontario flooding

• ABC57 - Great Lakes are overly-full, causing flooding and beach erosion

• Washington Post - States Take up Federal Slack on Environmental Regs

• DetroitFreePress - Monster Lake Trout Pulled or Isle Royale Waters

• DirectionsMag - GeoInsperations: Stacey Stark Touches the Future With GIS

Upcoming Great Lakes Events

• Great Lakes Public Meetings June - September

• June 4–6: Celebrate Water Door County 2019 Summit, WI

• June 6: 2019 Annual Meeting of Members of The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

• June 6: [Webinar] Gotta Be Fresh: Benthic Habitat Mapping in the Great Lakes

• June 6: [Webinar] Great Lakes Restoration Initiative RFA

• June 57: Greentech Conference Returns to the Great Lakes Cleveland, OH

• June 1014: IAGLR Brockport, NY

• June 14: Rossport Sea Kayak Safari

• June 19: Public Roundtable on the GLWQA

• June 27: Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Water Resources Regional Body Public Meeting

• June 29: 2019 Paddling Film Festival World Tour Bayfield, WI

• Sept 11-12: Great Lakes Areas of Concern Annual Conference

Opportunities and Application Deadlines

• GLRI Grant Opportunities

• Submit by June 17: Grant Opportunity for Healthy Great Lakes Waters and Coastal Communities

• Apply by June 28: USDA Forest Service GLRI grant program

• Submit by July 1: EGLE Invasive Species Control and Eradication Grant

• Apply by July 12: Great Lakes B-WET Program FY20

• Extended to July 12: P3GreatLakes Request for Statement of Interest

• Submit by July 31: Great Lakes Emerging Champions Mini-Grant Program [Green Infrastructure]

• Now Hiring: Great Lakes Conservation Corps

• Job Opportunities: Great Lakes Commission