

March 4, 2019


Photo: Thank you to Minnesota North Shore resident Roxanne Distad. Snow on late February Lake Superior ice at Tettegouche State Park, Minnesota.

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Lake Superior's Iconic Caribou Population: Back From the Brink?

A caribou on Lake Superior's Michipicoten Island. This photo was taken by Christian Schroeder before a dramatic decline in the caribou population after wolves crossed to the island by ice in 2014. THANK YOU FROM INFOSUPERIOR Thank you to Gord Eason, Leo Lepiano and Christian Schroeder for information provided in this article. Gord, Leo and Christian are deeply invested in …

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Miigwech Josephine Mandamin: A Water Walker's Legacy

Josephine Biidasige Mandamin (far left) with other participants of the 2017 Great Lakes Water Walk at the Toronto Waterfront. Photo from the Great Lakes Water Walk Facebook Page. Nokomis (Grandmother) Josephine Biidasige Mandamin, of Wiikwemkoong Unceeded Territory, dedicated her life to speaking for the Great Lakes and was an influential teacher and advocate for the Earth's water. The impact of …

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Climate Disruption Session at Lakehead University

The Lakehead University Office of Sustainability is hosting a free student-friendly session about climate change on Wednesday, March 13th, from 2:00pm until 6:00pm. The event will take place on campus at The Study Coffeehouse. The goal of the session is to facilitate conversation about the anthropogenic disruption of climate processes and generate involvement in climate-change preparedness. Research, Protest, Advocacy and …

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From Private to Protected: Thunder Bay Field Naturalists Club Aquires Michipicoten Properties

Thunder Bay Field Naturalists Club has newly acquired two properties on Michipicoten Island that will be added to their long list of Nature Reserves. (Map: TBFN) Purchasing Property for Nature Reserves The Thunder Bay Field Naturalists Club (TBFN) is a non-profit organization dedicated to understanding and preserving the natural environment. One way that they preserve natural environments is by purchasing …

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Student and Artist Opportunities with Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior

Porphry Island Lighthouse. (Photo: J. Bailey/infosuperior.com) Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior is a nonprofit charity dedicated to preserving and promoting lighthouses and their associated infrastructures, which would have otherwise fallen into disrepair when technology eliminated the necessity for light keepers. This summer, they will once again be offering the assistant light keeper position for students returning to school in the fall …

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Flotsam and Jetsam...

• LakeSuperiorNews: Coast Guard pollution assessment after fire on the St Clair in Port of Toledo

• US EPA approves Michigan statewide mercury total maximum daily load

• WPR: Natural Resources Board Hears Concerns Over New Lake Superior Fishing Agreement

• GreatLakesEcho: Researchers to sharpen Great Lakes ice alerts

• AshlandDailyPress: Washburn Coal Dock Work on Hiatus

• Video: Ice Skating on Lake Superior

• NYTimes: Tom Cade, a Savior of the Peregrine Falcon, Dies at 91

• Longest-serving keeper at Split Rock Lighthouse retires

Upcoming Great Lakes Events

• March 7: Great Lakes Day Congressional Breakfast registration now open

• Mar 2529: North American Lake Management Society Conference

• Register by April 1: Great Lakes and St Lawrence Cities Initiative Annual Meeting

• Webinar March 29: GLSL Collaborative Stakeholder webinar #2

• Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior Events in Thunder Bay (March – May)

• Lakehead University Winter Biology Seminar Series (Jan 25 – Mar 29)

• May 1: Great Lakes St Lawrence Collaborative Summit

• Register by May 3: Emerging Contaminants in the Environment Conference

• May 68: Great Lakes Economic Forum in Cleveland

• May 89: Great Lakes Restoration Conference Detroit, MI

• June 1014: IAGLR Brockport, NY

Opportunities and Application Deadlines

• Michigan SeaGrant 2019 Funding Opportunities

• EPA Seeks Nominations to the Great Lakes Advisory Board

• Apply by March 29: UNOLS Great Lakes Chief Scientist Training Cruise

• Request For Proposals: 2019 Great Lakes Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Program

• Apply by March 31: great lakes watershed field course

• Now Hiring: Great Lakes Conservation Corps

• Job Opportunities: Great Lakes Commission

• Job Opportunity: Seafarers' International Union of Canada Hiring